International Relations and Peace Report October 2015

By Georgina Pickers

NCWQ International Relations and Peace Adviser


The ICW plans of Action 2015-2018 for International Relations and Peace has asked National Councils to:-

– Promote peaceful co-existence and international understanding by peace education through school programs and establishing appropriate mechanisms and frameworks for effective peace building.

– Create dialogue among women from conflict zones by developing professional exchanges and organizing educational and cultural events and developing joint projects.

– Initiate training activities/workshops/seminars for women’s involvement in decision-making at all levels.

– Monitor the implementation of SCR 1325, SCR 2122 and related SC Resolutions.

and the empowerment of women.

– Formulate and implement programmes to legislate for stronger measures against violence, early marriage, and trafficking of women and girls.

Refugee numbers are at historic highs globally and increasing. While safety is the primary concern for those escaping conflicts, economic reasons are the major motivator. Climate Change will also be sited a factor for claiming refugee status in the future movement of populations, particularly in oceanic nations.

A moving Bridge of Peace Ceremony was convened jointly by NCWQ and WFWP (Women’s Federation for World Peace) at Parliament house in Brisbane on September 16th marked the 70th Anniversary of the ending of WW11. Visitors from Japan joined hands with local organisation representatives, in a Sisterhood Pledge of solidarity, reconciliation and friendship between Australia and Japan.

The Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN) has appealed for supporters in advocating for peace and justice in Palestine and Israel based on United Nations resolutions and international law. For more information visit:

Following a spate of deaths to women related to domestic violence an increased National strategy by the Federal and state governments towards awareness and strategy has been undertaken.

A White ribbon Day Breakfast, co-hosted by Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and The Honourable Dame Quentin Bryce AO CVO, will be held in Brisbane on Wednesday 25 November. The White Ribbon movement is now the World’s largest male-led movement to end men’s violence against women. A panel discussion on taking action to prevent violence against women will follow breakfast. For more information, support and tickets visit:

This year is the 70th anniversary of the United Nations.

On Friday 23 October the United Nations Association Queensland chapter held the UNAAQ Community Awards presentation at government house. The awards, presented by the Governor of Queensland His Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC covered 8 awards in various categories. Recipients included long standing young refugee mentor, teacher and supporter Adele Rice, Friends of HEAL Foundation (Home of Expressive Arts in Learning) providing relief from distress and enhancing education and cultural integration especially for refugee adolescents and the Qld. Country Women’s Association (QCWA) for their unswerving efforts in supporting families living in remote areas of Australia and overseas. Currently QCWA support Pacific Islands in the form of Birthing Kits to PNG, and primary school books and school supplies.

While there are mixed feelings, Queensland primary producers and processors of food particularly applauded opportunities that will arise from the recent ratification of Free Trade agreements between Australia, China, Japan, Korea and others.      


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