Day: March 4, 2022

NCWQ Environment Report February 2022
Advisers' Reports

NCWQ Environment Report: February 2022

NCWQ Environment Report By Pat Pepper, NCWQ Environmental Adviser. In this report (Feb 2022), the health and resilience of the Great Barrier Reef are discussed together with various measures which are addressing or could address real and potential risks. Issues discussed include climate change, reef restoration measures, water quality, and control of Crown-of-Thorns Starfish.

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Health Adviser's Report Feb 2022
Advisers' Reports

NCWQ Health Advisor Report: February 2022

NCWQ Health Report – COVID – Where To From Here? by Dr Kathryn Mainstone, NCWQ Health Adviser. Australia is coming out of the Omicron wave with both our hospitalisations and the number of daily deaths slowly falling. The governments around the country are rapidly reducing restrictions on mask-wearing and we are told to get back to living a close to normal life. What does that really mean for us? Kathyrn shares three key points.

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