President’s Update – June

NCWQ President's Update

We have a number of events – both in-person and virtual – coming up over the next few months:


Members are invited to participate in the next NCWQ Virtual Meeting on 13 June, at 6:45pm when Ria Wong from Micah Projects will be our Special Guest.

Ria heads the Domestic Violence Unit will share insights into recognising DV and how to respond. Register Now


Bursaries Update – Team Bursary will be busy considering the applications before the Presentations on 20 July, at The Women’s College, UQ. I am looking forward to past Bursary Recipients playing an active role in the Bursary Presentations and the President’s Luncheon. I am thrilled to advise that Professor Susan Moloney, who heads Paediatrics at the Gold Coast Hospital, has agreed to be our Motivational Speaker. Register Now for the Bursary Presentation and President’s Luncheon.


AGM Update – The NCWQ Annual General Meeting will be held from 6pm on Thursday 12 September, via Zoom so all members can participate. Affiliate Organisations are asked to please submit your reports to Kathy Cavanagh at by mid August so they can be included in the NCWQ Annual Report. Register here to attend the AGM online.

Bursary Fundraiser – Traditionally we have held a fundraiser to support the Bursary Program. This year we are planning a Reception for Paralympians at the Queensland Cricketers’ Club on 28 September from 4:30pm. You can book here (with final details to be confirmed).We are also hopeful that an application to the Lord Mayor’s Community Fund will support us with next year’s Bursary Program.


NCWA Conference – to be held in Adelaide, 21 & 22 November. Last year I attended the Conference in Sydney along with a group of NCWQ members who were keen to support Chiou See Anderson in her role as President of the National Council of Women of Australia. Details of this year’s conference are being finalised.


The NCWQ Christmas Party will be a stand-alone event in December. Members are invited to celebrate with us Thursday 12 December, from 6pm. Further details will be provided.

And in other news…

New Members – Our ‘Mates’ Event early in May saw new members welcomed on the terrace of the Knowhere Restaurant, Spring Hill. It was a lovely venue for what proved to be an intimate event that enabled everyone to connect while grazing on the delicious nibbles. We were delighted to present badges and pins to our newest members.

Members of the Advocacy Hub were pleased to see the announcement of the HECS Indexation review and paid compulsory student placements by the Federal Government following our submission.

The Pacific National Council of Women Forum resulted in insights into the need for data collection to inform future policy. We gained insights into the impact of climate on women’s economic independence, health and wellbeing across the Pacific.

Office of Women Grant – NCWQ is seeking funding that, if successful, will help to cover some of the expenses associated with coordinating the Bursaries. It will enable us to invite Bursary Recipients to join us at the President’s Luncheon without imposing on Bursary Sponsors and members to assist with the cost. News of the outcome is due mid June.

Get Involved 

All Members are encouraged to be involved in NCWQ activities. Opportunities to participate include the Advocacy Hub, Advisor roles, Management Committee, Officers, social media, Webmaster, Events and Team Bursary. If you are interested, please contact your Liaison Committee member. We need you!

News and marketing

Proposed Radio Podcasts of 10-15 minutes featuring Affiliate Organisations who Sponsor a Bursary are planned. Previous Bursary recipient Netta Finney has offered her skills to make this a reality. It is an opportunity to discuss what your organisation does, your history and connection with NCWQ. Podcasts will be uploaded to the NCWQ website and shared on social media. If your organisation would like to be involved in this project please contact your Liaison Committee member.

Radio 4EB. I was recently interviewed on the Women’s Profile program on Radio 4EB by Netta Finney. You can listen to the interview here.

Website Update – After five years, our Webmaster, Kley, will be moving on at the end of the year. His expertise and kindly manner have been greatly appreciated. He has brought us into the digital age. In order to make the website easier to manage moving forward, the Bursary application process will need to be reconfigured. We have applied for funding to assist with this work. If successful, the Lord Mayor’s Community Fund will enable a simplified bursary application process and the NCWQ podcasts to progress.

– Sandy Smith

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