On 22 July 2021, NCWQ hosted our Empowerment session on financial wellness, presented by Rhiannan Smit from Shadforths Financial Group.
Rhiannan showed us the harsh reality, where only 1 in 5 couples share financial decisions equally, and around 50% of women defer financial decisions to their partner completely. However 8 in 10 women will end up solely responsible for their money at some point in their lives. This means a lot of women find themselves in a position where they don’t know what to do, or how to manage their money and wealth properly.
However it is never too late to start, explained Rhiannan. While education and financial literacy are key in managing your wealth, it also comes down to what you want in the long term, and “why?”. It is simply not enough to “just want more money”. Rhiannan gave us two key things to consider:
Do you have a sense of PURPOSE?
Are you CONTENT?
Having answers to these questions can help shape your financial future, and provide some of the key conversation points to help drive and achieve your goals.
We had a wonderful turnout, both in person and online! The feedback was fantastic, and everyone left with some great insights into their next steps in taking better control of their financial wellness.
“We are grateful of the supportive and wonderful ladies we got to chat to at the session, and lovely to hear those who can’t attend a CBD session can still join in and empower themselves virtually.”
Thank you to everyone who joined in the session, and especially to Rhiannan for a wonderful presentation! Thank you also to Pilot Partners for hosting the space and providing a great spot for some mingling with NCWQ members and friends.
To see more photographs from the event, please visit our Facebook or Instagram pages.
Next Event
Our next monthly event is around the corner and we will be releasing details of it shortly, so keep an eye out.
NCWQ’s Empowerment sessions are a series of informative and networking events held after business hours to educate our members on areas of interest to them. If you have any topic suggestions for future sessions, please get in touch!

The National Council of Women of Queensland Inc (NCWQ) is a non-party-political, non-sectarian, not-for-profit, umbrella organisation with broadly humanitarian and educational objectives. It seeks to raise the awareness of members as to their rights and responsibilities as citizens and encourages their participation in all aspects of community life.
The NCWQ website content manager (webmaster) posts content on behalf of the NCWQ Management Committee and its members. If you have important communications, an event of matters of interest you would like to share with NCWQ, its members, network and supporters, please contact us with details. Thank you.