To all NCWQ affiliate organisations and members,
Firstly, I would like to congratulate immediate past President Chiou See Anderson and the outgoing 2023 Committee on a successful year. Chiou See’s leadership over the past four years has been an inspiration giving us state, national and international perspectives.
In my address as the incoming President of NCWQ I reflected on my journey, how Dr Laurel Macintosh OBE ignited my interest which led me to becoming a delegate for the Quota Club of Brisbane and serving on the management committee. Looking ahead I noted there is still work to be done. I reported how I plan to build on the previous successes of the Council, still focusing on empowering women through the Bursary Program and advocacy but with the introduction of advocacy hubs based on the National Council of New Zealand model.
To do this I am keen to involve our members. I invite members to participate in our Zoom meetings, attend events, become involved in our new advocacy hubs, become a mentor, or join the parliamentary watch.
I am keen to continue to support our affiliate organisations by advertising your events on our website and social media.
Upcoming changes in legislation to take effect from July 2024 will impact all our incorporated affiliates. A Zoom event will be held in the new year where you can learn more about these changes and what action is needed to be compliant and to maintain a not-for-profit status.
More recently, member applications have been online where prospective members have had the opportunity to say what their interests are. We will use that data to invite members to be involved. We do not have any data on long standing members interests so we will be seeking that information.
I encourage all members to take advantage of their membership, to get involved and make a difference.
In closing, on behalf of the 2024 NCWQ Committee, we would like to wish each and every one of you and your families a safe and happy Christmas. We look forward to the new year ahead as we continue to work together in our journey to promote and advocate for all women.
Sandy Smith