2021 Bursary Program – The Assessment Phase is in Full Swing

Bursary program Update

Team bursary is busily assessing the applications to determine the recipients in the 2021 NCWQ Bursary Program.

Although this is hard work for all our wonderful volunteers, we are always appreciative of being let into the lives of so many, as they share their dreams and aspirations. Results will be determined, with all applicants advised of the outcome, by mid-July.

We have had hundreds of applications submitted again this year and we would like to thank all applicants, supporters and sponsors. Application numbers are down a little on previous years and the team will review the program once this year’s bursary program is complete. We will be able to review various dimensions, areas and possible influences – ranging from social media engagement; how applicants heard about the bursary program; eligibility filtering; ease of application submission; online eligibility checking to application conversion rates; communication channels; impact of external environmental factors and opportunities; relevancy and connection; etc. As always, we are keen to analyse, fine-tune and make improvements to the Program from each year to the next.


Bursary Presentation

The presentation is set for Tuesday 3 August, at the Old Museum, Bowen Hills. After its COVID cancellation last year, we sincerely hope that the current, evolving situation does not impact the event. It is a great opportunity for recipients to meet their sponsors, and for us to share in the recognition of the achievements of our recipients. A registration link to attend the Bursary Presentation will be send to all members, supporters, participants and sponsors very soon.


Previous Bursary recipient Participating in 2020 Paralympics

2020 Recipient, Lakeisha (Lucky) Patterson is competing in the Paralympics2020 Recipient, Lakeisha (Lucky) Patterson is competing in the Paralympics. She has previously claimed “gold” at both the 2015 World Championships and the 2018 Commonwealth Games. After this time of disruption, we all wish her success for Tokyo and a safe and healthy return home.


Further Information

For any information about the  Bursary Program, please contact Kathy Cavanagh, NCWQ Bursary Program Manager at bursaries@ncwq.org.au or send a Query here.



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