NCWQ would like to share an open invitation from the Qld Government and White Ribbon Australia to attend the White Ribbon Day Breakfast, Friday 26 November at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, South Brisbane.
2021 White Ribbon Day Breakfast
Dear Ms Anderson (NCWQ),
On Friday 26 November 2021, the Queensland Government will proudly host the 2021 White Ribbon Day Breakfast, to help end domestic and family violence. The breakfast will be held from 7am to 9am at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, South Brisbane.
This year’s breakfast will feature influential leaders, The Honourable Margret McMurdo AC, Chair of Legal Aid Queensland, Inspector Ben Martain, Manager, State and Family Violence and Vulnerable Persons Unit, QPS, Harris Andrews, Vice Captain, Brisbane Lions, Dr Brian Sullivan from the Responsible Men Program and Michael Jeh, educator and public speaker, in discussion on critical issues such as eliminating non-physical abuse and opportunities to improve women’s experiences in the criminal justice system.
Putting an end to the scourge of domestic and family violence is not impossible. The Queensland Government is committed to working with business and community to achieve our vision of a Queensland that is free from violence and abuse. This breakfast will provide the opportunity to hear from those who are leading positive change and continue our work in uniting Queenslanders in taking a stand against domestic and family violence.
Share your support of this important initiative by booking a table for your organisation and/or relevant stakeholders to attend the breakfast. Tickets are available online for $95 each or $900 for a table of 10. Event proceeds will be donated to both White Ribbon Australia and DV Connect, as event beneficiaries.
To book tickets visit the website at For more information contact Events and Engagement, Department of the Premier and Cabinet by email or on telephone (07) 3003 9200.
Thank you for your support of this important cause.
Yours sincerely
Venue, Date, Time, Tickets
Venue: Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, South Brisbane
Date: Friday 26 November, 2021
Time: 7am to 9am
Tickets: Please book here
Further Information: Please contact Events and Engagement, Department of the Premier and Cabinet by email or on telephone (07) 3003 9200.

Events coordination by NCWQ, on behalf of the National Council of Women of Queensland Inc (NCWQ), its affiliate members, associate members, networks and supporters. If you have an event you would like to share with an interested Queensland community, please contact us with details. Thank you.