Your invitation to attend the 2021 Annual Dr. Del Doherty lecture being held by NCWQ Affiliate member, Graduate Women Queensland Inc.
Join the Graduate Women Queensland on Saturday 20 March for this annual lecture at the University of Queensland.
This year’s Annual Dr. Del Doherty Lecture by Distinguished Professor Kerrie Mengersen is titled “Data is the ‘new gold’ for the 21st century”. In this presentation, Kerrie will discuss new ways of using data to tell stories and gain insights into complex problems in environment, health and industry.
Distinguished Professor Kerrie Mengersen is a statistician and Director of the Centre for Data Science at Queensland University of Technology. Kerrie is an elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, the Australian Social Sciences Academy, and the Queensland Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Date: Saturday 20 March 2021
Time: 11:00 am- lecture followed by the presentation of the bursary, 12:00 pm- light lunch
Location: The Women’s College (Chislehurst Room), University of Queensland, St Lucia.
Cost: (This covers lunch) $25
Direct Debit- BSB: 064 000 Account: 00801818 Ref: your name
Or pay at the door (please bring correct notes)
RSVP: As soon as you can and latest by Friday 19th March 2021 to or
For More Information
Email or
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