NCWQ is excited to share an open invitation from our Affiliate member, Beta Sigma Phi for you to attend their Annual Charity Day, Tuesday 13 July at the Royal Qld Yacht Squadron Manly.
Annual Charity Day Celebrating “Winter’s Glory”
President Elizabeth Noske & members would love you & your friends to join us for a very special day overlooking the Bay.
Keynote Guest

On The Day
- Showcasing a Parade of Accessories
McKinney’s Exclusive Jewellery
Fashion Parade – SFH Designs, Fashion Stylist Sarah Hutson - Welcome glass of bubbles
- Three Course Gourmet Lunch created by RQYS Chef
- Tea / Coffee / Chocolates
- Major Raffle donated by McKinney’s Jewellers
- Unique Raffle Prizes & Lucky Door Prizes
- Emporium of Gifts
- Music – Nick Koschel Entertainment
Venue, Date, Time, Tickets
Venue: Royal Qld Yacht Squadron Manly
Date: Tuesday 13th July 2021
Time: 9.30am to 2.30pm
Tickets: $85 per person
RSVP by: Tuesday 6th July 2021
Payment to: Beta Sigma Phi Bayside, PO Box 445 Wynnum Q 4178
or direct deposit to: NAB – BSB: 084 468 A/C: 865429973 Ref: Surname
Further Information
Joan Dean: 0417 551 806
Elizabeth Noske: 0479 045 552
Download Flyer (pdf)
Epsilon Chapter Beta Sigma Phi (an NCWQ Affiliate Member).

Events coordination by NCWQ, on behalf of the National Council of Women of Queensland Inc (NCWQ), its affiliate members, associate members, networks and supporters. If you have an event you would like to share with an interested Queensland community, please contact us with details. Thank you.