NCWQ would like to share an open invitation from Women’s Legal Services and Hanworth House for you to contribute to and/or attend their highly coveted event “Labels on the Lawn”, Sunday 10 October at Hanworth House, East Brisbane.
Labels On The Lawn 2021
Dear Our wonderful Donors/Friends and supporters of Women’s Legal Service
Last year we hosted the inaugural ‘Labels on the Lawn’ to raise much needed funds for Women’s Legal Service QLD. We were completely overwhelmed by the donations, keen interest from Brisbane fashionistas and overall success of the event, so a big thank you to everyone for your participation last year. We raised >$60K for front line services at Women’s Legal Service Qld
While the initial plan was to have a one-off event, there have been a staggering amount of people who couldn’t wait for the next one! This year we have partnered with Brisbane Fashion Month to provide a day of luxe sustainable shopping, champagne/gin bar and wonderful eats – all taking place at Hanworth House on Sunday 10 October 2021. Tickets will be on sale by the end of this week.
2020’s Labels on the lawn was quite a substantial event and for this year we are aiming for a boutique event, spotlighting our local businesses, fabulous fashion with offers value to those people who have purchased tickets – and a wonderful afternoon to simply have fun with friends on the front lawn of Hanworth – with a wonderful cause to benefit
We are asking if you would like to participate as a donor for 2021. We are hoping you will say yes!
We are happy to receive a bag (or many bags) or your clothes, shoes, handbags, jewellery, scarves, hats – we usually say “”Country Road and above” but no need to be particular – all items which are donated are used, the more expensive items we display at Labels on the Lawn (where we sell items from $20 to $200) OR at the cheaper designer rummage items (and all those left over from LOTL go to the annual WLS Designer Rummage (where items sell for $5 to $20)
If you are a business donor we invite you to actively participate – for donations of over 20 new or used items these will be featured as a “Capsule Collection” which will be named. Private donors with such a collection would also have a capsule collection named after them.
All proceeds raised on the day will be benefiting a Dancing CEO’s fundraiser for Women’s Legal Service Queensland. If you aren’t familiar with WLSQ, they do incredible work assisting women and children in domestic violence situations. Women’s Legal Service is a specialist community legal centre providing free legal and social work help to people who live and identify as women in Queensland.
WLSQ assist women in the areas of family law, child support, child protection, domestic violence and some areas of sexual assault as well as providing community legal education and participating in law reform.
Please help us, help women and children by giving to Labels on the Lawn and being a part of a truly incredible event.
Hanworth House 10 Hanworth Street East Brisbane any weekday 830-5pm – – telephone 0409279449 to make a date
Joli Boutique 2/118 Racecourse Road Ascot 9.30am – 5pm Mon-Friday, 9.30am – 2.30pm Saturday
The Fitting Room on Edward Shop 38, ANZAC Square Arcade, 267 Edward Street Brisbane City
Drop and Go on Saturday 18 September at either of the above addresses 10am – 2pm
We can send one of the WLS to collect from you – just call Marisa on 0409279449 to organise a suitable time (particularly suitable for those with a truckload!)
Any questions at all just call Marisa on 0409279449
Venue, Date, Time, Tickets
Venue: Hanworth House, 109 Lytton Road has no car access, so if you are driving please come to 10 Hanworth Street, East Brisbane.
Date: Sunday 10 October, 2021
Time: 1pm
Tickets: Please book here
Further Information : Visit their event page
About Women’s Legal Service QLD (WSLQ)
All proceeds raised on the day will be benefiting a Dancing CEO’s fundraiser for Women’s Legal Service Queensland. If you aren’t familiar with WLSQ, they do incredible work assisting women and children in domestic violence situations. Women’s Legal Service is a specialist community legal centre providing free legal and social work help to people who live and identify as women in Queensland.
WLSQ assist women in the areas of family law, child support, child protection, domestic violence and some areas of sexual assault as well as providing community legal education and participating in law reform.

Events coordination by NCWQ, on behalf of the National Council of Women of Queensland Inc (NCWQ), its affiliate members, associate members, networks and supporters. If you have an event you would like to share with an interested Queensland community, please contact us with details. Thank you.