To recognise the work of its National Councils, ICW-CIF has published a special collection of actions taken on International Women’s Day 2023.
We invite you to read this very interesting document. Do not hesitate to share it within your National Council and your networks.
Click here to download.
ICW issued a resolution. Click here to download it

The National Council of Women of Queensland Inc (NCWQ) is a non-party-political, non-sectarian, not-for-profit, umbrella organisation with broadly humanitarian and educational objectives. It seeks to raise the awareness of members as to their rights and responsibilities as citizens and encourages their participation in all aspects of community life.
The NCWQ website content manager (webmaster) posts content on behalf of the NCWQ Management Committee and its members. If you have important communications, an event of matters of interest you would like to share with NCWQ, its members, network and supporters, please contact us with details. Thank you.