President’s Report – January 2024


At the recent NCWQ Planning Day, held on Saturday 6 January, the Management Committee reviewed the previous year which gave us direction moving forward.

A Members Survey will be released as a priority – please look for it in your email – with responses due back by 4 February 2024. The information provided will enable us to engage members in areas of interest and take us a step closer to establishing our Advocacy Hubs and mentoring. The Advocacy Hubs will be modelled on the NCWA recommendations. A special meeting will be held to share with you who will be involved and what the process is. Central to this new model will be to establish a Parliamentary Watch Committee. So please respond to the survey as soon as you can.

Our first NCWQ Committee Meeting will be held on 8 February, with Guest Speaker Danh Nguyen, Special Counsel for Thynne and Macartney, who assisted NCWQ to review our Constitution last year.  Please register your interest with Dana at to participate in the Zoom meeting. Danh will provide a brief summary of the changes to take effect from July this year. His fees are usually $2,000+ but he has agreed to brief you at no charge so take advantage of this opportunity. You will learn what changes you need to make to be compliant and to maintain your organisation’s not-for-profit status. This is important and has tax implications for your organisation if you are incorporated and/or a not-for-profit organisation.

Shortly, Affiliate Organisations can expect to be contacted by one of the Management Committee, who will be your liaison person for this year. Take advantage of this contact by inviting them to your events, sharing your news with them, and let them know your upcoming events so we can help promote these through our NCWQ channels. They will be your link to the Management Committee. Associate Members are able to contact the Committee through Secretary Dana Voyle.

I look forward to a productive year where we work together to advocate for women and enhance the economic status of women through Bursaries for education.

Kind regards

NCWQ Planning Day 2024
Above: NCWQ Committee Members Olivia, Dana, Sandy, Ronda, Chiou See and Cheryl celebrating after a successful day of planning

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