By Jennifer Ann Davies, NCWQ Arts, Letters and Music Adviser (
A Celebration Of Authorship From NCWQ Arts/Letters
Enhance celebrations of INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY with this newly launched perspective of women’s history! The author’s Carly series includes our own Dr Lilian Cooper, who was a vital and active member of the Queensland branch of the National Council of Women!!
JANE SMITH – QUEENSLAND AUTHOR brings us another historical wonder for young readers, reflecting and connecting both Australian History and Women’s History!
“This does more than acknowledge our female trailblazers. It teaches our daughters about them in a delightful and entertaining way. GOLD! Madonna King, author & journalist.
In the wonderful world of ‘letters’ – JANE SMITH – “A New World” – retrieving another piece of history with grand spirited adventures and outstanding and beautifully illustrated characters! Jane’s CARLY series includes interactions and adventures with Caroline Chisholm, Dr Lilian Cooper, Nellie Melba, Florence Nightingale and Amelia Earhart! (Teacher Notes as well!)
NCWQ ARTS/LETTERS/MUSIC MAY 2020 – Wow! A launch thwarted by the dreaded virus, yet a glorious EXPLOSION of excitement, action and Aussie history, as country girl CARLY, launches into an extraordinary adventure, in ye olde Sydney-town, hurled back in time, where she learns the super-values of kindness, friendship and wonder, from our very own CAROLINE CHISOLM! A superb blend of fiction and history for young readers; a superb blend of fiction and women’s history for all readers!
Congratulations to acclaimed Queensland author, JANE SMITH! This series, I believe, will make educational and literary history! “A New World” is the first of Jane’s series – readers will be busting to read more….Promotional material providing succinct detail used with permission. SDGs 4/5/17 NCWQ May 2020 Author, librarian, editor and passionate historian, Jane Smith, shares our own Australian history with children, parents, teachers and newchums who really, really want to know about their new country! Publications since 2014 cover her Australian Bushrangers Series; and young readers have enjoyed ‘time travelling’ with Tommy Bell, Bushranger Boy on You Tube!
NCWQ ARTS/LETTERS/MUSIC OCT/NOV 2020 – Our own wonderful JANE SMITH has invited members of NCWQ to a Facebook launch of her new book. Members will be aware of this prior to publication of this report I believe. The Carly Mills’ books are short and simple with historically interesting characters and action! The October launch of Carly’s second book “Emergency” will stream live on Facebook so women can enjoy both a celebration of women’s achievements and a celebration of letters/literature! This book is about Queensland’s first female Doctor, the remarkable Dr Lilian COOPER; also recorded in the NCWQ histories as a valued and very active member. A small group of guests will gather at Jeremy’s Book Exchange in Toowoomba Queensland, on 16 October 2020. The group will include people Jane sees as “modern-day Caroline Chisholms” – for example, invitee Genevieve Allpass is founder of Peaceful Humans and Rojin Rash is a young immigrant, interpreter and promoter of education for all! CONGRATULATIONS to Jane on her continued success as an author and historian! Salut! SDGs 3/4/5/10/11/17
….and WAIT….there’s MORE….
Reviews of the valuable new book will be available soon and will be sent to you!
Stay SAFE and WELL.
Jennifer Ann DAVIES
National Council of Women Queensland Inc.
International Council of Women/ Conseil International des Femmes
SEE NCWQ International Women’s Day event being held 8 March 2021.

The National Council of Women of Queensland Inc (NCWQ) is a non-party-political, non-sectarian, not-for-profit, umbrella organisation with broadly humanitarian and educational objectives. It seeks to raise the awareness of members as to their rights and responsibilities as citizens and encourages their participation in all aspects of community life.
The NCWQ website content manager (webmaster) posts content on behalf of the NCWQ Management Committee and its members. If you have important communications, an event of matters of interest you would like to share with NCWQ, its members, network and supporters, please contact us with details. Thank you.