NCWQ Arts Report: December 2021

Arts Report December 2021

By Jennifer Ann Davies, NCWQ Arts, Letters and Music Adviser (

A magickal time! – Enjoy it all especially the magick embodied in Music, Movement and Memories.

“On scattered rooftops, from here to the Seine and beyond: jungles of moonlight, iridescent gardens all drinking in the stars…from somewhere, she hears singing in a language she does not understand – but music is universal, and music like this will linger….
Paris by Starlight : Robert Dinsdale 2020

Queensland writers, poets and performers feature this month. Snippets from my International report are included so that we all remain connected and informed. I had promised to bring you some chats with Queensland authors – however, their books are Audio books and I have not yet procured or listened to these. You may explore these on



Giving ATTENTION is the highest form of GENEROSITY! ABC 12/8/2021

All of Life works together in the arts, in a generous, changed kinship system, to continue to connect people via posters, prose, print, painting, percussion, piano, piping, poetry, photography, pottery and porcelain. In altered symbiosis, new possibilities are posited, promoting Protection; providing  Prevention, and Punishment for Perpetrators, Protesters and Propaganda! ATTENTION is the key to this new positive conspiracy, in concert with continued contact, connection and communication.

Communities are uplifted with the rewriting of songs, poems, stories and myths, infused into videos, in UK, US, Ukraine, Germany, France, Italy, India, Sweden, Finland, Nigeria, Turkey, Tunisia, Russia, Ireland and many more countries. A German study of how music and song help with emotional stress during lockdowns, confirms music, song, rhyme and story-tell can trigger happiness, and slow the heart rate. Melanie Fuhrmann (Max Plank Institute for Empirical Aesthetics) explains that it is not just the music, rhythm or rhyme, but the conscious interaction with these, that assists coping emotionally and psychologically. SDGs 3/4

Nigerian Poets react to Covid, giving birth to mixed feelings, words for recreating our world, knitted together with verbs that can bring us closer to vital truths.  View: ‘A Leap Year & Her Potentate’ Dami Ajayi… “But who would have thought Virus, not man…” and ‘Right Angle’ by Joy Chime, a memorable poet whose stage name is Joy to the Words. Instagram@joytothewords  SDGs 3/4

The Corona virus is also shaking up the art world in unexpected ways. Hong Kong has long been the gateway to the growing Asian art market. This is changing rapidly, with virtual and online sales, heavily affecting businesses and trading in the city, and across Asia.  SBS Aug 2021. SDGs 4/12

From Nagpur to New York illustrators, cartoonists and painters are depicting current world views through their art. Cartoonist, Rohan Chakravarty, Nagpur blends attention, humour, depth and hope in his current works. Shwetha Vishwakarma, Bengaluru is involved in PROJECT # One Poster a Day and challenges herself to complete one illustration about current events, daily! Attention given to current events is evident in the posters.

Shwetha Vishwakarma: Poster 2021. SDGs 3/4/8/12

Women Photographers in Russia have learnt of their own beauty, inner strength, uniqueness and innate self-awareness through their art of photography.  They are now teaching this art and its benefits to others, as a wonderful coping mechanism throughout Covid and everyday events. SBS Viceland 5/7/2021  SDGs 3/4/5/11

‘You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice.’ Bob Marley

Irish Filmmakers highlight Dublin’s housing crisis, where Rosie, her husband and four children are dispossessed and homeless, poorly treated and eventually, sleeping on the streets. A not uncommon scenario – Who will help? Film: ROSIE SBS Viceland 9/8/2021  SDGs 1/2/3/10/11

‘It is ok to be brave and afraid at the same time…” Brene Brown.

Implementation of the U.N. Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons is again reinforced by Eleonore Hauer-Rona via myriad channels, globally. “…many become vulnerable as 124 million more people are forced into extreme poverty, with children representing ‘one-third of victims globally..” writes Eleonore. UNIS/SGSM/1153. 25 July 2021.  SDGs 1/2/3/4/6/8/10/17

The National Council Queensland, Australia responded to an Inquiry into Social Isolation in Queensland with a submission and recommendations developed by NCWQ Advisors: Deslyn Taylor (Education); Jennifer Ann Davies (Arts/Letters); Dr Kathryn Mainstone (Health); Tracey Martin  (Rural, Regional & Remote Women); Dr Pat Pepper (Environment/State Coordinator) and Dr Donnell Davis (Habitat). NCWQ Jul/Aug 2021  SDGs 3/4/5/10/11/13/16/17

Salut to the Hon. Shannon Fentiman: Attorney General & Minister for Justice; Minister for the Prevention of Domestic & Family Violence, for furthering collaboration on a Discussion Paper for Women and Girls, and viewing a 50/50 world, with input from all Queenslanders, including men and boys. This could provide greater action and achievements for the determinations and direction of Queensland Women’s Strategy 2016-2021.  For additional experience and insight: Women’s Safety & Justice Taskforce


…busily harmonious in unison with the rhythmic pulsing of Earth Herself

we give attention – become a symphony – protecting, preventing pain,

loving Life, which is infinitely precious.
Jennifer Ann Davies 16/8/2021


Live Performances in the worlds of MUSIC and the PERFORMING ARTS have been enjoyed by many, with ongoing offerings from QPAC, ABC Studios, Street performances and smaller venues. ABC radio has presented live performances on Classical Radio, interspersed with the usual programme. Cairns and regional areas have enjoyed HAMLET, The Pirates of Penzance and Brisbane audiences, OTHELLO, an adaptation of the Bard’s works!  Souls and spirits were calmed and uplifted with VERDI in Brisbane city and most of Queensland can celebrate this Christmas with ANDRE RIEU in a brand by new festive spectacular, which was, in, fact filmed in 2019 but unable to be screened. 2021 brings us a spectacular cast, the much-loved Johann Strauss Orchestra, ice skaters, the magnificent Christmas lights of Maastricht and guest sopranos Donij van Doorn and Anna Majchrzak. Traditional carols, romantic waltzes and Christmas classics provide an unforgettable Yuletide treat for the whole family.  THIS FILMED EVENT IS SPECTACULAR!

The Sunshine Coast PLEIN AIR PAINTERS have been practising for the opening of a pop-up gallery at the Ginger Factory in Yandina. Impressionist, CLAUDE MONET, was an exponent of plein air – where an artist paints a scene on the spot – capturing, perhaps, the sun, movements and shadows, wind,  in the moment. SDGs 4/8/16

QAGOMA offers a range of free onsite events for the holiday period and also a range of virtual talks. KOTO PERFORMER, Takako Nishibori, delivers a mesmerising and meditative performance, responding to Bagus Pandega’s artwork:  “A Diasporic Mythology 2021”. This ‘blend’ is co-presented by QAGOMA and The Japan Foundation Sydney. A wide range of art, displays, workshops, storytelling and events is on offer. GOMA’s Australian Cinematheque will also launch three film programmes showcasing exceptional cinema from the region: The Magic Arts, Under the Radar and Australian Next Wave. SDGs 4/8/16/17

UQ A SCULPTOR’S LEGACY: IN STONE, AND ONLINE….a NEW, free eBook by UQ sculptor, Dr Rhyl HINDWOOD, tells the stories of how many famous faces, fanciful figures, sweeping scenes, and flora and fauna were brought to life in stone at UQ. SDGs 4/17

CONGRATULATIONS! To Queensland’s NATE ODGER who has released his novel: “Pirates vs. Dinosaurs” A Captain Matchlock Adventure

CONGRATULATIONS! To Queensland’s NATE ODGER who has released his novel: “Pirates vs. Dinosaurs” A Captain Matchlock Adventure for young readers. Nate is a writer of Horror, Fantasy and Sci Fi works in both novel and comic format. He runs a small creative company called Zettai Productions which has been publishing comic books both domestically and abroad for over three  years. Nate is the creator of ‘Ultimate Radiation Bot Robobagglar’  and Zyberpolis series. He lives in  Toowoomba, Queensland. Acknowledgements thank Nate’s Aunt Jennifer (me!) for encouragement to persevere with publication and the wonderful graphic artist Eric Taverne, also for encouragement    and effective graphic design.  Lots of Fun! Published by Zettai Productions: Published by Griffin Press 2020/2021  SDGs 4/17

CONGRATULATIONS! Yet again, to Queensland’s wonderful and unstoppable STEFANIE BENNETT – A dear Friend and highly valued Poet, Stefanie is Townsville born, lived in Northern Queensland, and the South and is currently in Northern NSW, escaping the worst of the heat! – We had enjoyed ‘The Volatile Principle’, Stef’s Anthology, which was dedicated to the Paugussett Indian Nation of Connecticut USA and those who took arts action, winning the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize – then….gifts of two volumes – ‘All The Yesterdays After’ Selected HAIKU and ‘The Pathfinder’ Selected HAIKU graced my letter box! – I promise I will bring you more of these in the New Year. Beautiful and profound. “The Soul would have no Rainbow if the Eyes had no Tears”…Native American Proverb. The Pathfinder Burringbah Books, Trevallyn Tasmania 2021. All the Yesterdays After Allahabad – India. 2021. SDGs 3/4/5/8/12

Aussie, FIONA HIGGINS ‘THE MOTHER’S GROUP’ is as curious and interesting read for the holidays! “…in most parts of the world…people are busy surviving. Trying to get enough food, clean drinking water, or education for their children…..achieving happiness or enlightenment is a preoccupation of the privileged…” p.60 “…prayers and sweet incense wafted across her; the heady scent of her homeland. She imagined the earth pulsating beneath her, rich with worms and rotting leaves. Like all psychiatry is a TOTALISING EPISTEMOLOGICAL paradigm that offers one-pill solutions for women, failing to recognise the SYSTEMIC social issues that inform female mental health!” p.254  “It’s a  PHOENIX,” said Ginie, “to remind us all beautiful things can be reborn of ashes!” p.301 SDGs 3/4/5/11

‘LOST LIGHT’ will take your breath away.’ USA Today. Michael Connelly Hachette Book Group USA 2004 The Book against which every other title in the Harry Bosch series will be measured. “…a quartet of journeymen…an old musician reduced to just skin and bones..after every song, Reverence is what I saw in his eyes. Reverence for the sound and the form.” pp.314/315 SDGs 1/3/4/11 Connelly’s Harry Bosch novels are an impressive body of work.

‘THE GENESIS CODE’ John CASE Century Random House UK 1997. John Case is the pseudonym of an  award-winning investigative reporter and the author of two non-fictional books about the U.S. intelligence community. A renowned scientist enters the confessional and pours out a secret that has consumed his life – a story so alarming that the priest who hears it refuses to absolve him and rushes to alert the Vatican…”The Genesis Code” will shock and astonish, even in 2021! You will never forget it! SDGs 3/4/11/12/16/17

‘THE PARIS INHERITANCE’ Merryn COCORAN Aurora 2020. Ulverscroft Ltd. Anstey, Leicestershire An unusual book, first published in Ireland, supported by the 2014 Katherine Mansfield winner, Mandy Hager, in Menton, France. The story moves from a sheep station in the North Island of New Zealand, to Paris, France. Interesting. The Ulverscroft Foundation (UK 264873) was established in 1972 to provide funds for research, diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. I selected this text in large print, specifically because of the major projects funded by this registered charity. SDGs 3/4/10

‘THE ILLNESS LESSON’ Clare BEAMS Transworld Publishers London UK 2020  Written in intensely vivid prose and brimming with insight, ‘The Illness Lesson’ is a powerful exploration of women’s bodies and minds, and the time-honoured tradition of doubting both.  “…the unspeakable is spoken, falteringly at first, then with triumphant strength.” Joyce Carol OATES.  SDGs 3/4/5/16

“Delicious words in the mouth, change the world.” p.26


‘PARIS BY STARLIGHT’ Robert DINSDALE Del Rey London 2020 This is a really unusual novel, written in vivid, haunting language. “A fairytale for adults, with all the wonder – and terror – that that entails.” Observer This talented author weaves magic, yesterday and tomorrow; light, beauty, joy, love, unity and division, from Music! Unusually beautiful.

Joclyn MORIARTY promotes a brilliantly imaginative novel..’FUTURE GIRL’ ASPHYXIA.

Joclyn MORIARTY promotes a brilliantly imaginative novel.. ’FUTURE GIRL’ ASPHYXIA. Moriarty writes of Asphyxia’s work: “Beautiful, immersive…a sensory feast…”  ‘A life changing book for young Deaf and disabled people…of personal growth and pride, demonstrating the importance of the #OWN VOICES movement.” Carly FRIDAY. Piper’s mum wants her to be ‘normal’, to pass as hearing and get a good job. However when peak oil hits and Melbourne lurches towards environmental catastrophe, Piper has more important things to worry about, such as HOW TO GET FOOD!

Piper meets Marley, a CODA child (Child of a Deaf Adult) – and enters a new world where Deafness is something to celebrate rather than hide and where resilience is created through growing your own food…and learning AUSLAN, a sign language that is exquisitely beautiful and expressive. FUTURE GIRL is the Art Journal of sixteen-year-old Piper, a visual extravaganza of text, painting, collage and drawings, woven into a deeply engaging coming-of-age story, set in near-future Melbourne. It is created by Deaf writer, artist and activist, Asphyxia. SDGs 1/2/3/4/6/8/10/11/13/15/16

(I think this book contains the most remarkable volume of Sustainable Development Goals I have ever read*)

In 1975, the U.N. made a resolution asserting disabled people (and thus Deaf people), have the same right as fellow citizens, to enjoy a decent, full life; to be entitled to measures designed to enable them to become as self-reliant as possible and entitled to have their needs taken into consideration at all stages of economic and social planning. Asphyxia.  As multi-tendrils sprout from this stunning Journal, readers will recognise dire socio-political, socio-economic and socio-cultural warnings. Sean Williams booms: “’Future Girl’ confronts the challenges ahead of us and will open minds and hearts to the possibility of other worlds.” Allen & Unwin NSW 2020.  Assisted by a grant from the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts.

QBD and other Bookstores have a multitude of Books for Holiday reads!

The value and content of any book or novel I have reviewed is reflected in the nature and not necessarily the length of comment in my reports.



Jennifer Ann Davies, NCWQ Arts, Letters and Music Adviser
Enjoy your holiday Music, Reading, Events and Family Celebrations!
Season’s Greetings to All

Jennifer Ann DAVIES
National Council of Women Queensland Inc.
International Council of Women/ Conseil International des Femmes



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