NCWQ would like to share an open invitation from our Affiliate member, ESA for you to attend their “40th Anniversary Lunch”, Sunday 28 November 2021 at the Golden Ox, Margate.
“We hope some of your members will be able to attend this function to help us celebrate this significant milestone.”
Jenny Hendriks, President, ESA Alpha Pi branch Redcliffe, ESA International
To Book
Ticket Cost: $50pp
BOOK: email OR phone 0410 327 129
PAYMENTS: EFT: BSB 638070 A/C 8992541 ESA Int’l Alpha Pi
About ESA Redcliffe Branch
Alphapi ESA (an NCWQ Affiliate Member).
Alpha Pi Redcliffe was chartered 27 November 1981, instigated by Jenny Hendriks who invited her sister Diane Northey and a group of friends to form the new branch. Both Jenny and Diane remain active members, having at times over the years been Branch, District and State Presidents.
Facebook: @alphapiredcliffe

Events coordination by NCWQ, on behalf of the National Council of Women of Queensland Inc (NCWQ), its affiliate members, associate members, networks and supporters. If you have an event you would like to share with an interested Queensland community, please contact us with details. Thank you.