Invitation – ‘My Health For Life’ Lifestyle Modification Program
My Health for Life is a free lifestyle modification program delivered online, designed to help eligible participants improve their health and reduce their risk of developing chronic disease. The State Government has invested in the health of Queenslanders through funding the My health for life program, developed and delivered by the Healthier Queensland Alliance (collaboration between Heart Foundation, Stroke Foundation, Diabetes QLD, Primary Health Care Networks).
The program aims to prevent the development of chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease or stroke in Queenslanders. It takes a fresh, personalised approach to help people move past the barriers that stand in the way of making healthy choices and positive lifestyle change.
Exclusive NCWQ Offer
This online program will be exclusive to NCWQ members and affiliate organisations.
Host: Saalihah Seedat, Accredited My Health for Life Facilitator (Consultant Clinical Pharmacist)
Date: Commencing Feb 2022 (one hour weekly for a total of 10 sessions OR 2 hours fortnightly for a total of 5 sessions, day and evening options available)
Price: FREE for NCWQ members and affiliate organisations.
Venue: Online via Zoom (details will be sent to registered participants)
Who can attend? This program is an exclusive offer open to all NCWQ members and affiliate organisations. If you wish to join NCWQ, we welcome new membership applications. NCWQ membership starts at $24 per year. You can apply here.
Further Information
For expressions of interest: Email or Call 0404 296 297.
More information: visit
Please download the Information Flyer (1mb pdf) for further details.
About the Accredited My Health for Life Facilitator
Saalihah Seedat
Consultant Clinical Pharmacist, Certified My Health for Life Facilitator, Accredited Mental Health First Aider, Personal Development Coach, Mentor
(B.Pharm, MPS, AACPA, Dip. Leadership, Coaching & Mentoring), NCWQ Committee member
Saalihah Seedat is a Consultant Clinical Pharmacist, social entrepreneur, philanthropist and mentor who is passionate about leadership, social issues and making a difference in people’s lives.
A mom of 3, Saalihah strikes a work-life balance between working as a Consultant Pharmacist conducting medication reviews in the community sector, a part-time Clinical Pharmacist in private hospital practice and as a My health for life Facilitator.
Along with her passion for inspiring and motivating individuals as a personal development and wellbeing specialist, Saalihah is a highly skilled social innovator of change. She says that she owes her success and achievements to her supportive husband who has been her biggest cheerleader since they migrated to Australia in 2002 from Southern Africa.
Saalihah has undertaken voluntary roles with the various Share the Dignity initiatives, Skilling Queenslanders for work programs, and also in the organising of Breast Cancer fundraising events for the Crescents of Brisbane.
Saalihah has sponsored a NCWQ bursary for an Emerging Female Leader from a culturally and linguistically diverse background (2019/2020) and has undertaken the role of Mentor to the National Council of Young Women of Qld.
Saalihah has also received the following achievements and accolades:
- Profiled as part of the global Celebrating Women initiative in 2017
- Finalist in the 2018 Access Community Services Ltd Qld Women in Leadership award
- Finalist in 2019 Pharmaceutical Society of Australia Bowl Of Hygea Qld Pharmacist of the Year Award
- City Of Logan 2020 Australia Day Awards, Citizen of the Year Finalist
- Finalist in 2020 The 25th International Women’s Day Festival (Gold Coast) Leadership in Community Sector Award
- Blackmores Mercie Whellan Women+Wellbeing Awards Finalist 2021
Cooking and experimenting with different cuisines stirs her soul and she adores stimulating conversation. Saalihah is currently pursuing a Postgraduate qualification in Clinical Pharmacy Aged Care through Monash University. She strongly believes that ‘Knowledge is Power’ and by sharing knowledge we can contribute to a more connected, empowered and united community

The National Council of Women of Queensland Inc (NCWQ) is a non-party-political, non-sectarian, not-for-profit, umbrella organisation with broadly humanitarian and educational objectives. It seeks to raise the awareness of members as to their rights and responsibilities as citizens and encourages their participation in all aspects of community life.
The NCWQ website content manager (webmaster) posts content on behalf of the NCWQ Management Committee and its members. If you have important communications, an event of matters of interest you would like to share with NCWQ, its members, network and supporters, please contact us with details. Thank you.