As this year draws to a close, I present a quick update for our members, supporters and friends. I wish all a safe and happy festive season.
Introducing our 2021 NCWQ 2021-2022 Committee
- President – Chiou See Anderson
- Vice Presidents – Caroline Snow, Erin Cunningham
- Treasury – Ramona McGregor
- Secretary – Gail Ker
- State Coordinator – Pat Pepper
- Committee Members – Kathy Cavanagh, Ronda Nix, Sandra Smith and Saalihah Seedat

1. Submissions to Queensland Government
- Inquiry into social isolation and loneliness in Queensland
- Queensland Renewable Energy Zones
- New Strategy for Queensland Women and Girls
2. Pelvic Pain Foundation of Australia (PPFA)
- After almost 12 months of lobbying and a deep dive into the mechanics of the funding and fund-raising for endometriosis education, NCWQ is elated to learn that our advocacy efforts with the PPFA resulted in the Queensland government requesting an all-schools proposal to provide endometriosis and pelvic pain education to Year 9 and 10 students. This is in addition to the Federal Health Minister Hunt’s approval to get started across Australia by proportionately offering the program to all Independent and Catholic Schools.
1. NCWQ Bursary
- 13th year with 27 sponsors and 35 recipients
- Bursaries presented at Queensland Old Museum

2. Educational series
- Doctors on Board – Dr Beverley Rowbotham
- Professional Development Bootcamp – Saalihah Seedat
- International Women Day’s at United Service Club – Chiou See Anderson
- Setting Your Business for Success – Alexandra Geelan
- Tax Tips and Tricks – Ramona McGregor
- Financial Wellness – Rhiannan Smit
- Planning for Tomorrow – Jade Duncan
- Taking Control of Your Financial Independence – Panel Discussion
- Associate – NCWQ welcomed 35 associate members this calendar year, our largest new membership increase ever. Of note is the fact that this year’s intake is made up of mainly professional women (medical doctors, lawyers and accountants) in their 30s. Our committee attributes this to the educational series that we ran this year. It is our intent to encourage our new members to contribute to our advocacy work by adding to our small team of advisers.
NCWQ Patron Announcement
- On October 31st, we farewelled NCWQ’s Patron, His Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC CVO, Governor of Queensland retired from his role as Patron of NCWQ.
- On Nov 1st, Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeanette Young PSM, Governor of Queensland, accepted the role of Patron of NCWQ for the duration of her term in office.
NCWA President (2021 – current)
- NCWQ President Chiou See Anderson appointed as NCWA President. Chiou See follows the footsteps of Past NCWQ Presidents Elsie Blyth (1945-1948) and Laurel Mcintosh (1979-1982)

Born in Singapore, Chiou See arrived in Brisbane in 1988 to complete her Accounting degree at QUT. Over the next 15 years, she had a variety of careers spanning running a 2 site Ford dealership, accounting for an Italian coal mining company and marketing for a large Queensland legal firm before starting a business advisory consulting business.
During her business advisory career, Chiou See’s clients included a prominent Brisbane family business, the Queensland government and various construction industry unions. A subsequent business review of the Royal Queensland Aero Club in the late 90s resulted in a full-time appointment. During the 5-year tenure, an international flying school and an aircraft engineering school were added to the portfolio and Chiou See successfully secured the first overseas airline training contract to Brisbane in the early 2000s.
In 2003, whilst completing her MBA, Chiou See’s class modelled the aggregate purchasing power of the world’s ageing population. Later that year, she secured a block of land in the Daisy Hill koala habitat with a view to starting a retirement village. A development application refusal resulted in a lengthy and costly appeal in the Planning & Environment Court. The preliminary court approval was handed down in Jan 2007 with final negotiations concluding in Mar 2008. Elements started construction in late 2009.
Today, Elements Retirement Village is fully complete with 123 villas and is home to 170 seniors.