On 23 September 2021, NCWQ hosted our Empowerment session on planning for tomorrow, presented by Jade Duncan from Clinton Mohr Lawyers.
(photo: Chiou See Anderson – NCWQ President, Jade Duncan – Clinton Mohr Lawyers, Ramona McGregor – NCWQ Treasurer)
We delved into some of the key issues and questions around estate planning with Jade. She guided us through some of the myths and war stories of her field of expertise. Jade helped clear up what estate planning is, guiding us through wills, powers of attorney, letters of wishes, and intestacy.
With all the stories we heard about how it can go wrong, one message was loud and clear: planning is key! Proper preparation can help minimise fights and problems coming up down the track, or help ensure your loved ones are well looked after.

We had a wonderful turnout, both in person and online! The feedback was fantastic, and everyone left with some new knowledge into what proper estate planning should involve.
“What a great session! Jade was full of insight and practical tips on how to get your succession plan working well. Lovely group of ladies, enjoyed the evening!”
Thank you to everyone who joined in the session, and especially to Jade for a wonderful presentation! Thank you also to Pilot Partners for hosting the space and providing a great spot for some mingling with NCWQ members and friends

Our next monthly event is around the corner and we will be releasing details of it shortly, so keep an eye out.
NCWQ’s Empowerment sessions are a series of informative and networking events held after business hours to educate our members on areas of interest to them. If you have any topic suggestions for future sessions, please get in touch!
To see more photographs from the event, please visit our Facebook or Instagram pages.
Next Event
Our next monthly event is around the corner and we will be releasing details of it shortly, so keep an eye out.
NCWQ’s Empowerment sessions are a series of informative and networking events held after business hours to educate our members on areas of interest to them. If you have any topic suggestions for future sessions, please get in touch!

Events coordination by NCWQ, on behalf of the National Council of Women of Queensland Inc (NCWQ), its affiliate members, associate members, networks and supporters. If you have an event you would like to share with an interested Queensland community, please contact us with details. Thank you.