2024 Bursary Presentation
Report from NCWQ Bursary Program Manager, Kathy Cavanagh AM The idea of the NCWQ Bursary Program was conceived in 2009 by two members of the then Management Committee – Noela
NCWQ Bursaries are awarded to the successful Queensland female student applicants for one of the range of bursaries on offer each year.
NCWQ Bursary Recipients demonstrate qualities of leadership; community service; perseverance; and determination, often despite life’s obstacles, to follow their personal and professional passions.
Kathy Cavanagh
Bursary Program Manager
NCWQ holds an annual bursary fundraising event to help support the bursary program.
NCWQ Bursaries are awarded to the successful Queensland female student applicants for one of the range of bursaries on offer each year.
The Bursary program, through NCWQ and its sponsors, offers a range of bursaries, to assist Queensland women with their educational expenses. Most bursaries are valued between $1,500 to $2,000 each.
The Bursary Listing details the specific criteria for each bursary on offer.
Since the Bursary Program commenced in 2009, over 200 bursaries have been offered
The timeline for the 2025 bursary program is:
Saturday 12 April– Applications open.
Monday 2 June – Applications close. Applications submitted or post-marked after that date will not be considered.
Applications will open Saturday 12 April 2024.
Each bursary has its own criteria. To find out more about the specific criteria, contact the Bursary Program Coordinator, Kathy Cavanagh, on 0407 117 378 or bursaries@ncwq.org.au
Full details of each of the bursaries on offer in 2025 will be available on this website on Saturday 12 April 2025.
We always welcome bursary partners. Please contact our Bursaries Manager, Kathy Cavanagh Ph: 0407 117 378 or Email: bursaries@ncwq.org.au
If you are interested in being involved in the selection process of bursary recipients, please consider joining Team Bursary. With several long-time members stepping back after this year, we are looking to welcome new participants to Team Bursary. For most, the busy time is June, but for full details, please contact:
Kathy Cavanagh
Bursary Program Manager
0407 117 378
Report from NCWQ Bursary Program Manager, Kathy Cavanagh AM The idea of the NCWQ Bursary Program was conceived in 2009 by two members of the then Management Committee – Noela
The NCWQ 2023 Bursary Presentation was held on Saturday 16 September at The Women’s College, The University of Queensland. Download the Yearbook.
Applications for the NCWQ 2023 Bursary Program open on Monday 17 April, with more than 30 bursaries on offer. For female students living in Queensland, bursaries range from secondary school
Applications for the 2023 Bursary Program will be open from: Monday 17 April to Monday 5 June, 2023 Read more about our Bursary Program and previous recipients here.
There was a buzz in the Parliamentary Annex as people gathered for the bursary presentation for the 14th NCWQ Bursary Program. Congratulations to all the recipients and thank you to our kind sponsors and many volunteers who made it all happen. The 2022 Yearbook was also released. Do read their stories. You will be amazed!
All the 2022 NCWQ bursary recipients have been advised of their success. And in fairness to all, those who were not successful this year, are advised of that outcome, and we hope they consider applying next year. and Preparation for the presentation on 27 August is well underway.
The National Council of Women of Qld. Inc., which has been working for women in Queensland since 1905, is part of NCWA Inc. which was recognised by the Australian Government as one of three peak Women’s organisations in 2000.
We welcome enquiries from potential bursary partners and bursary applicants. Please contact the NCWQ Bursary Program Coordinator.